Darstellung der Herausforderungen einer ganzheitlichen Nutzerbeschreibung
DFX 2014: Proceedings of the 24th Symposium Design for X: Bamburg, Germany 1-2 Oktober 2014
Year: 2014
Editor: Dieter Krause, Kristin Paetzold, Sandro Wartzack
Author: Walter, Johanna; Paetzold, Kristin
Series: DfX
Institution: Universität der Bundeswehr München
Section: Nutzerzentrierte Produktentwicklung
Page(s): 87-98
ISBN: 978-3-941492-79-0
Products, which support people’s autonomy and self-determination, have to be adapted to the users’ wishes, needs and circumstances. For the development of those products it is not sensible to focus on performance restrictions, but the whole circumstances have to be considered in the description of the system of objectives. The approach described here is based on
methods from socio sciences and allows to describe the users systematically. For this reason it is possible to get a more suitable description of the system of objectives. This procedure helps to reduce the development risk, as the aspects of acceptance are considered quite early in the design process.
Keywords: human centered design, user integration, technology acceptance, user description