Industry 4.0 Management: Preliminary Design Implications
DS 116: Proceedings of the DESIGN2022 17th International Design Conference
Year: 2022
Editor: Mario Štorga, Stanko Škec, Tomislav Martinec, Dorian Marjanović
Author: Rebecca Castagnoli (1), Julie Stal-Le Cardinal (2), Giacomo B
Series: DESIGN
Institution: 1: University of Turin, Italy; 2: CentraleSup
Section: Organisation, Collaboration and Management
Page(s): 121-130
DOI number:
ISSN: 2732-527X (Online)
Industry 4.0 is expected to change competitiveness of manufacturing firms. However, to completely achieve this goal, firms should manage barriers and complexity issues that my hinder its adoption or its effects. For this reason, the study explores, through a literature review, whether and how design theory may be a supporting theory to manage Industry 4.0 adoption and implementation to maximise the opportunities and minimise the risks. The results shows that these research questions require a design approach to innovate not only adopting technologies but reinventing the business practices.
Keywords: industry 4.0, innovation management, design management, digital manufacturing