Kreimeyer, Matthias; Braun, Stefanie; Baumberger, Christoph; Meiwald, Thomas; Petrovic, Kostanja; Bernitz, Max; Stüber, Nico // 2006
Galeta, T.; Kljajin, M.; Karakašić, M. // 2006
In a purpose to support the product development process through the ERP system, an appropriate product model should be accomplished and implemented. The paper represents product model suited for the ...
Griffiths, R.; Johnson, P. // 2006
The paper examines how two independent academic working groups consisting of the National Centre for Product Design Research (PDR) based at the University of Wales Institute, Cardiff, (UWIC) in ...
Maier, A.M.; Kreimeyer, M.; Herfeld, U.; Deubzer, F.; Lindemann, U.; Clarkson, P.J. // 2006
A core issue in integrating CAD and CAE environments is the coexistence of different perspectives: a topological one in embodiment design and a functional one in simulation. This places increasing ...
Bruno, F.; Luchi, M.L.; Milite, A.; Monacelli, G.; Pina, M.; Sessa, F. // 2006
The paper describes an industrial application of VR techniques in the field of Digital Mock-Up (DMU) analyses, reporting the results obtained with the development of a software application that ...
Rohde, D.; Bojčetić, N.; Stanković, T. // 2006
Changes in the world market dramatically influence industrial companies. The traditional understanding of how the companies view their product and the product’s role in the company business is ...
Hatchuel, A.; Le Masson, P.; Weil, B. // 2006
The paper addresses the design of Science Based Products (SBPs): these products need the efficient introduction of scientific research within the design process, as well as functional and testing ...
Mess, M.; Schlattmann, J. // 2006
The contribution focuses on the reuse of existing components considering sensors as an example. Using a process model containing four major steps the customisation and optimisation of existing ...
Spiteri, C.L.; Borg, J.C. // 2006
Design is a problem solving activity, and engineering designers tend to solve problems based on available knowledge. Hence knowledge must be presented timely and in the right format during the design ...
Cederfeldt, M. // 2006
In order to make the designing of product variants more effective and efficient by automating the process, there is a need to break down and analyse the design process. In doing so, a clearer picture ...
Eichinger, M.; Maurer, M.; Lindemann, U. // 2006
In product development, multiple aspects of engineering design methodology interact with each other. In this paper, we present an approach that integrates these aspects (product design domains) into ...
Ponn, J.; Lindemann, U. // 2006
The paper presents research on the analysis of student design project documentation. The goal was to investigate, what information can be extracted in order to allow for conclusions on the ...
Hollins, W.J. // 2006
The is a case study involving three quite different companies operating at a great distance from each other and how an apparently ideal combination of partners failed in the design process. Most ...
Tsumaya, A.; Moritsu, R.; Wakamatsu, H.; Shirase, K.; Arai, E. // 2005
Elfving, S.; Jackson, M. // 2005
Fargnoli, M.; Sakao, T.; Notarnicola, S. // 2005
Watty, R.; Binz, H. // 2005
Oumeziane, H.; Deshayes, P.; Bocquet, J.-C. // 2005
Ernzer, M.; Birkhofer, H. // 2005
Blanes, J. P.; Martínez, E. G.-S. // 2005
Lichtlé, A.-S.; Meylheuc, L.; Caillaud, E. // 2005